A Conversation with Vlad Cazacu on NuMundo Ventures and the Angel to VC Pathway

I had a great time speaking to Vlad Cazacu about my new VC fund NuMundo Ventures. We covered a lot of topics ranging from my journey from angel to VC, the opportunity for startups in LatAm, bias and overlooked founders, and my passion for what I do.

Vlad Cazacu and his company Flowlie Technologies are doing a lot to improve how VCs do their work and his podcast series on emerging managers is fascinating. I strongly encourage anyone interested in VC to listen to the podcast and check out Flowlie.


Desde Silicon Valley, invierto en startups de LatAm y EE. UU. en etapas pre-semilla y semilla, con un enfoque práctico y una red que potencia su crecimiento

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